
Pueblo- 1922  - (www.photoswest.org)

Located in central Colorado on the banks of the Arkansas River, Pueblo is the seat of Pueblo County. It lies 110 miles south of Denver.

In 1806, explorer Zebulon Pike erected a small log garrison at the future city site. Area flooding in 1921 led to the construction of a flood-
control project.

Today Pueblo, population about 102,121, is an industrial and transportation hub as well as the location of several federal offices. A 35-
mile river trail system extends from Lake Pueblo to the city's northeastern fringe and the University of Southern Colorado campus.

Nearby Pueblo Reservoir and Lake Pueblo State Park highlight the area's recreational facilities. Tours are offered at the resevoir's fish
hatchery. Attractions nearby include the Bishop Castle, three stories of hand-hewn stone built by one man. Pueblo is also the site of the
annual two-week Colorado State Fair in August.

Past Halloween events from last year (2009):       

     Victorian Halloween ~  Halloween Story Telling  ~ At the Rosemount Museum

Saturday, October 31st, 2009

For the spooky time of the year comes spooky stories that can only be delivered from Rosemount itself.
The Rosemount Museum Junior Docents will host a Victorian Halloween for children of all ages from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Oct. 31. Visitors to the museum, 419 W. 14th St., will receive discounted admission and may take a self-guided tour. Along the
way, they will hear about Victorian Halloween customs and hear Halloween stories from the past. Children will get trick-or-
treat passes to use at the museum following their tour. There will be a costume contest with prizes. Information: 545-5290.

Rosemount Museum
419 West 14th Street
Pueblo, Colorado 81003
(719) 545-5290


                                                   5th Annual Ghost Walk ~ 2009

Storytelling of Pueblo's past!

October 2009 dates:

Friday, Oct. 2 - located at El Pueblo History Museum - 5:30pm - 8:30pm
Saturday, Oct. 3 - located at El Pueblo History Museum - 5:30pm - 8:30pm
Sunday matinee - Oct. 4 - located at El Pueblo Museum 2:00pm. Click for map   Not a walking tour
Friday Oct. 9 and Saturday Oct. 10 - located at the El Pueblo History Museum - 5:30pm - 8:30pm

Come and enjoy a family friendly walking tour with storytelling of Pueblo's Past. Guided tours begin every 15 minutes from the El Pueblo
Museum (1st & Grand). Along the way actors will depict and tell stories of the Pueblo Community's colorful history. Tickets may be
purchased at the door or prior to the event. Tickets are $8.00 at the door (children 5 and under are free) or pre-event tickets are $7.00
and may be purchased at the El Pueblo Museum (301 N. Union Avenue) or the YWCA Family Crisis Shelter (801 N. Santa Fe). The 5
day event is a fundraiser for the Pueblo Domestic Violence Task Force and the Pueblo Interfaith Hospitality Network.

Contact: El Pueblo Museum
Phone: 719-583-0453



El Pueblo History Museum
301 N Union Ave, Pueblo, CO‎
(719) 583-0453‎

Photo of the Hanging Tree during one of the Pueblo 2009 Ghost Walks~ (from: www.puebloghostwalk.com/2009pics.htm)

                                                            The Annual Halls of Horror.....6!
                   .......In the spooky old CF&I Administration Building!

Sat. 10/17/2009
Fri.  10/23/2009
Sat. 10/24/2009
Fri.  10/30/2009
Sat. 10/31/2009

6pm to 11pm

You can print out coupons at:   www.steelworks.us/index.php?pr=Halls_of_Horror_2009

Southern Colorado’s biggest and best haunted house is back for its sixth year. October 17, 23, 24, 30 and 31 from 6p.m. to 11pm the
night comes alive on the grounds of the Steelworks Museum of Industry and Culture in Pueblo.

This fun fundraising event for the Steelworks Museum continues to build on its reputation as the best haunted house as voted by its
victims. The first and second floors of the old Main CF&I Administration Building, built in 1901 and located at the corner of Canal Street
and Abriendo Avenue in Pueblo (I-25 exit 97-A), will be the scene for the “scares” using students from Colorado State University-
Pueblo, area high schools, and local volunteers. As before, no one under the age of 8 will be allowed in.

Several new elements are being added to this year’s event, promising those that have been though it in years past a new experience.

Small tour groups will enhance the experience. Ticket prices are $6 ages 8-11 and $9 12 and above, the same prices for the past 4
years!   Visit www.steelworks.us for updates beginning in October. There will also be food and beverage is available, as well as a variety
of merchandise. For other information, call 564-9086.

Contact: Bob Campbell
Phone: (719) 564-9086

Bessemer Historical Society
215 Canal Street ~ Pueblo, CO 81004
phone 719.564.9086

                                                          Spirited Halloween

Article from the Pueblo Chieftain

Published: October 17, 2008

Prepare for ghosts - real and theatrical - with the Damon Runyon Repertory


They don't appear on stage - or anywhere else, for that matter - but they've got a loyal audience.

Talk to members of the Damon Runyon Repertory and you'll get no shortage of ghost tales. Not just any ghosts, either. These spirits
allegedly occupy the Runyon Theater, 611 N. Main St., sharing space with the actors and making their presence known on a regular

"We've got, we believe, at least three ghosts - a man, a woman and a little girl," said CEO Sean Briggs.

Briggs said he wouldn't identify himself as a believer, yet he has a goosebump-inducing story from a decade ago, when the troupe
moved into the theater. He and his brother-in-law were painting the lobby one night and had a small radio with them so they could listen
to music. Before leaving for dinner, Briggs turned off the radio and unplugged it.

When the men returned, Briggs said they heard strange noises - voices, static and music. The radio dial was moving back and forth
through the channels . . . but Briggs hadn't plugged it back in. He opened the battery compartment. Empty. He turned over the radio
and set it down, and it went silent. "We turned around and got out," he said.

Ghosts aren't anomalies in the theater world; in fact, among the actors and their well-established list of superstitions, spirits fit right in.
Every theater has at least one "ghost light": a light that stays on at all times to ward off intrusive spirits. If the light goes out, according to
the superstition, they can enter the building at will.

The ghost light doesn't get rid of spirits that were in a building before it became a theater, however, so the purported residents at
Runyon aren't giving up the - well, you know.

DRR spokesperson Cathy Spangler said it's common to find pictures falling off - "more like flying off" - walls and doors opening by
themselves, or sticking shut for no apparent reason.

"Every couple of shows, we'll have everything happen at once, usually on tech (rehearsal) nights," Briggs said. "Circuits trip, lights go
off and on, the programming for the light cues disappears. It's constant."

Observers feel the male spirit is the most aggressive. The woman appears to be protective of the people in the building. The young girl
isn't intrusive, but Briggs said she did keep turning on the downstairs lights until someone plugged in a night light.

October is the ideal time for sharing ghost stories, and those who visit the Runyon Theater Oct. 25 will get to hear many of them. That's
the night DRR will host its first Ghost Walk - a tour of the areas of the theater where unexplained incidents have been witnessed.

On Oct. 29 and 30, DRR will present "Monster," which Briggs describes as "a live-action video game." It's not like a typical play. Here,
participants will work their way through the theater and will encounter a different monster in each "room." According to the storyline, one
of the monsters is responsible for a bad, bad thing that happened years ago in the building. The audience is responsible for identifying
the guilty villain.

"In some early video games, each room in a house had a puzzle and you had to solve each puzzle to solve the game," said Briggs. "This
is blending a haunted house with a murder mystery. You have to have a little bit of a brain for this one."

When participants reach the final room, they'll be asked to unravel the mystery.

"If you can't solve it, you may just join the legions of the undead," Briggs warned.

Things will lighten up a tad when magician Mr. E presents his "Halloween Chills and Thrills" show at 7 p.m. Nov. 1. Or maybe they won't.

"He's promised things like swords through necks and heads on fire," said Briggs.

Maybe that nice lady ghost will protect you.

The Ghost Walk starts at dusk and tours begin every 20 minutes. There is no charge.

"Monster" tours begin every 15 minutes at dusk. Mr. E will perform at 7 p.m. Tickets for both of those events are $6. Students with ID get
in for $4.

For information, call 564-0579.

            *** Past event held in 2008 (it was not held in 2009) ***

IF YOU GO WHO: Damon Runyon Repertory

Ghost Walk - Oct. 25th, 2008 - every 20 minutes starting at dusk

"Monster," Oct. 29-30, every 15 minutes starting at dusk

Mr. E's "Halloween Thrills and Chills," 7 p.m. Nov. 1 (reservations recommended)

WHERE: Runyon Theater, 611 N. Main St.

TICKETS: No charge for Ghost Walk; "Monster" and Mr. E, $6 adults, $4 students with ID. Call 564-0579



Damon Runyon Repertory
611 North Main St.
Pueblo, Colorado    81003
(719) 564 0579

                                                    THE NIGHT OF THE FAMOUS DEAD

Past Event- 2008

Friday, October 17th, 2008
7:30pm to 10:30pm

You have the option to come dressed as your favorite dead person; Einstein, Betty Boop, Elvis, Martha Washington, etc. Enjoy FUN
music & delicious food = Laugh and Rock the House Being Held at the Olde Town Carriage House on Victoria Contact SRDA for your
ticket = limited capacity so get your ticket early $35.00 per person phone 545-8900 and ask for Cleo Zarr if you would like more
information HELP us raise money for our community's older members and have a GREAT TIME .

Reserve your seat or table by calling Cleo at (719) 545-8900. $35.00 per person or ask about your Corporate Table.


(719) 542-1704 or (800) 233-3446         

                              Ghost Walk to help others in community


A pair of Pueblo agencies will be helped by proceeds from the third-annual Ghost Walk scheduled for three hours on four days: Sept.
28-29 and Oct. 5-6.

Beneficiaries of the 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. fun history lessons will be the Pueblo Area Interfaith Hospitality Network and the Pueblo Domestic
Violence Task Force.

The ghost walk involves walking tours that tell stories of Pueblo's past, and involve many tales, myths and legends, ranging from the
scary legend of La Llorona to recollections by Fort Pueblo's commander, Jose Benito Sandoval.

The tours will leave every 15 minutes from El Pueblo History Museum, 301 N. Union Ave., and stop at a dozen locations along the way
where stories will be told.

Six-dollar advance tickets may be purchased at the YWCA, 801 N. Santa Fe Ave., or at the hospitality network's office at 225 Michigan
Ave. Admission at the gate will cost $7, with kids under 5 free, when accompanied by an adult.

The Interfaith Hospitality Network is a group of congregations that provide housing in their churches for indigent families. Nine churches
of various denominations put up the guests on a rotating basis, and are supported by an additional eight congregations. Several other
life-skill, educational and job-finding services also are provided.

Aim of the Pueblo Domestic Violence Task Force is to educate the public, refer victims and families to community resources and reduce
the impact of domestic violence in the community.

Agencies involved are the district attorney's office, YWCA Crisis Shelter, 10th Judicial District Courts, ACOVA, Colorado Department of
Social Services, St. Mary-Corwin and Parkview medical centers, Pueblo Community Soup Kitchen, Posada, the Pueblo Police and
Pueblo County Sheriff's departments, and Colorado Legal Services.


                                  The haunted Inn at Pueblo West

                                                                                        CHIEFTAIN PHOTO- MIKE SWEENEY

Ghostly things are said to happen at The Inn at Pueblo West, among them flickering lights and locked doors that mysteriously open.

                                         Ghostly mysteries haunt Inn at Pueblo West


The ghost is friendly, if a little mischievous.

It's a man, or a woman, depending on whom you talk to, and it's making its presence felt at The Inn at Pueblo West by fiddling with the
lights and the doors, appearing and disappearing - standard ghostly stuff.

"We have a haunted place out here," says Vincent Salcedo, who's managed the inn for about a month. "People get touched on the
shoulder, the lights flicker, doors open that were locked, things are misplaced, somebody hears something whispered in their ear. I don't
believe in that stuff but . . . That's the story I heard when I took over."

Salcedo, who came to Pueblo from New York and originally is from the Caribbean, says he's not bothered by ghosts. And he clearly is a
man who enjoys a spoof as much as the next person.

"We're going to set him free," Salcedo says. "I think we're going to have a seance and light candles; wait until 12 o'clock at night and
call him."

Salcedo says he hasn't seen the ghost or felt its presence, and he asked the ghost for winning Lotto numbers and got no answer. But
he has noticed something weird about the lights.

"When I came here, I spent $450 on light bulbs, and look around," he says, gesturing to light fixtures in the lobby where bulbs are burnt
out. "Now I have to spend another $150 on light bulbs. Maybe he doesn't like light bulbs."
The ghost isn't mean, Salcedo says.

"He won't bother me. If you haven't done anything evil, he won't hurt you. I'm just a free soul like he is, except I have a body."

Desk clerk Maria Golik, who's worked at the inn for 11 years, says she wasn't a believer because she hadn't had much experience with
ghosts. That changed at the first of the year.

"One morning, I was out front, setting up for breakfast. I saw another employee - a woman who had worked for me while I was off - come
in and walk into the lobby. When I asked the auditor behind the desk where she had gone, he said no one had come in.
"Seeing is believing," Golik concludes. "I'm pretty in tune with these kinds of things. I like to look into them.

"We had a house person who worked here and who talked to the ghost and went home and wrote about it."

That woman's account states that the ghost's name is Maria and she wanted to talk about her life. She had died in 1736 on land where
the inn was built; she was hung by family members because they felt she had disgraced them by bearing a child out of wedlock.

Puebloan Pat Fletcher, upon hearing about the inn's "resident ghost," figured it must be the spirit of her late husband, Dale. He
managed the inn in the late 1970s and early 1980s and died in one of the rooms on March 21, 1982.

Fletcher, 56, says she knew nothing about a ghost at the inn until a few weeks ago when Salcedo mentioned it.

"My girlfriend and I had gone out to the inn for dinner and I introduced myself to Vincent," Fletcher says. "He sat down and said, ‘What
can you tell me about the resident ghost?’ ”
Fletcher says he told her about the flickering lights and the mysteriously opening doors and that the staff had said there's a ghost at the

"And since Dale died out there, it only makes sense it would be him," Fletcher says.
"Dale was terrible about dimming the lights in the lounge and restaurant; he wanted ‘atmosphere.’ The guests would complain it was too
dark to see the menu, so the waitresses would turn up the lights, and he'd turn them back down.

"I had dreamed about a year after he died that he was out there walking the hallways," Fletcher says.

"I've talked to some of the old employees out there and they never heard of one (a ghost), but evidently they think they have one now. I
prefer to think of him as a spirit.

"I always thought if he came back to do something, it would be at the inn because he loved the inn and he loved the Pueblo West

Fletcher, who has a fine sense of humor, says she wouldn't be surprised if her husband's spirit has returned, and she feels "all right"
about it.

"He's just checking out the property like he always did. I know he didn't think he'd finished his job out there. If he's hanging around out
there, that's why."

She adds: "I thought he was upstairs taking care of God's kitchen and dining room. I didn't know he was down here bugging the inn."

Inn at Pueblo West
201 South McCulloch Boulevard
Pueblo West, Colorado  81007

City close & country quiet on 15 acres, with panoramic mountain views including Pike's Peak and Sangre de Cristo range.

                                                                      Abriendo Inn Bed and Breakfast

                                                                      Photo from the Abriendo Inn website

"I think it depends on whom you talk to as far as whether the inn is haunted.  Personally, I have not encountered anything out of the

There was a psychic that stayed here and said that there was a fire. The innkeeper informed her that there had not been a fire only to
find out later that the carriage house had burned down in the 40’s.  

Another time, a child was walking thru the halls and reported to the innkeeper that he had been directed to the candy jars on the 3rd
floor by another little boy.  The innkeeper informed him that there was not anyone else staying at that time.  Also, several people have
said that they feel there may be ghosts that are here, but that they had not seen anything specific."

From: The Innkeepers


The Abriendo Inn of today - listed on the National Register of Historic Places - traces its existence to the enterprise of Martin Walter, a
German-born brewmaster.  Walter first owned a brewery in Wisconsin with his brother, but this was not producing sufficient income to
support both families.  So, Martin headed West and found Pueblo a boom town with a steel mill, three smelters, and a brewery.  

He purchased the Pueblo Brewery in 1898, and engaged a California architect to design plans for a massive "Classic Box" or
"Foursquare" blond brick house that would meet the requirements of his burgeoning family - 8 children by two wives.

The new business - and Walter's family - flourished.  Twenty-seven different brands of beer were produced in his renamed Walter
Brewery Co. and distributed in seven Western states with such tantalizing slogans as, "Walter's Gold Label Beer contains as much
nutrition as cow's milk!," and "Quench your thirst, steady your nerves, cool your brain with a glass of Pueblo Beer."

With the brewery's closure through the Prohibition period, Walter turned his interests towards real estate and prospered.  His obituary
hailed him as "one of Pueblo's foremost and best beloved citizens."  The Widow Walter let spare bedrooms to boarders during the
Depression.  In the 1940's, Dr. Samuel Potter moved his family into the mansion.   
The Walter Brewery closed its doors for good in 1975.  The Potter's residency was followed by that of nuns, then attorneys, before it
became the award-winning Abriendo Inn Bed and Breakfast.

SOURCE: The Abriendo Inn website

Abriendo Inn Bed and Breakfast
300 W. Abriendo Avenue
Pueblo, Colorado  81004
Website:  www.abriendoinn.com                                              

(Past event)
Bridey Murphy series


InfoZone News Museum
100 E. Abriendo
Pueblo, CO 81004

Bridey Murphy to 'reappear' at InfoZone presentations

(Article from October 2004)
A three-part series dealing with Bridey Murphy - the 19th century Irish girl said to have been "reincarnated" in a Pueblo woman - will be
offered on three successive nights at the Robert H. Rawlings Library's InfoZone theater, beginning Tuesday.

The presentations, all at 7 p.m., will focus, respectively, on a hypnotic session wherein the Puebloan talked about her former life, a
discussion of the events in Pueblo that brought the woman's life into worldwide awareness, and the 1956 movie, "The Search for Bridey

Virginia "Ginni" Tighe was the local woman who underwent hypnosis, during which she talked about having once been Bridey Murphy, a
12-year-old girl living in 19th century Ireland. Joe and Betty Bullen, who were present during the sessions, will speak and answer
questions on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, Bret Bezona and John Smith, both of whom are Bridey Murphy
historians and collectors, will explore how the lives of Tighe and amateur hypnotist
Morey Bernstein were changed by the event, and how the 1952 incident put the pair and Pueblo on the map. A question-and-answer
session will follow.

The movie will be shown Thursday on the InfoZone screen and participants are invited to dress as they might have in a past life.

For information, call the InfoZone at 719-553-0205.
Pueblo Chieftain

                                            Annual Cemetery Tours - Pueblo Pioneer Cemetery

                                                         Cemetery ghosts tell stories of Pueblo's past

The Pueblo Chieftain

George Gilbert has been dead a long time, but he came back "above the grass"
Saturday for "A Walk Through History" at Pueblo Pioneer Cemetery.

Saturday marked the fourth year of the living history event, sponsored by the Pueblo Parks and Recreation Department and the Pueblo
Pioneer Cemetery Committee.

Gilbert, portrayed by local volunteer Phillip Redinger, was one of several cemetery
denizens to talk about their lives in early Pueblo. Gilbert said he had two grave markers, one placed by his second wife, but he doesn't
know where the other stone came from. After all, it's a little hard to get reliable information from the early 1900s, informative ghost or not.

Gilbert was born in New York in 1836 and came to Pueblo after trying to prospect for gold in the Colorado mountains with little success.
He moved to a spot east of Boone and married, but his first wife died at 35. His two sons later died from diphtheria and after he
remarried he and his second wife lost a young daughter, too.

He sold his herd of 1,500 cattle and moved into town in 1879. Gilbert worked around the Pueblo and helped lay out the city, according
to Redinger. He died at the age of 75 in 1911. Redinger said this is his third year portraying one of the cemetery's residents. The first
year he performed a small skit in addition to his talk. Further down the cemetery trail, Tom Cummings portrayed one-time Pony Express
rider J.J. Thomas. Thomas was born in 1837 and worked as a teamster in the Army in southern Kansas before he moved to Colorado to
help built a stage stop.

When the Oak Creek stage stop east of Denver was finished, Thomas and his friend were hired to be Pony Express riders and were the
first in the area. But Thomas, too, caught gold fever and spent a cold and hungry time in the mountains before joining a Colorado unit
going to the Civil War.  Thomas thought he would be shipped east to fight, but instead stayed in the West and was part of the battle at
Glorieta Pass in New Mexico.

Area historian Eleanor Fry said the battle sprang from a plan by the South to take over the southern part of the Western states,
including some of Colorado's gold fields. Thomas's Union Army unit "headed them off at the pass," Fry said.

Thomas also was part of a unit sent to recover materials stolen by Indians in a raid near Santa Fe, Cummings said. The unit trailed the
Indians nearly to Amarillo, Texas, and there recovered 94 mules without a fight.

Thomas' fortunes took a turn upward when he returned to Pueblo and, with partners, built a toll bridge across the Arkansas River, ran a
hotel and sold vegetables he grew where the current Midtown Shopping Center stands. With his economic success, the former horse-
feed hauler hung around with one of the Thatcher banking brothers, became postmaster, county treasurer and even represented the
area in Colorado's second state assembly.

Thomas died in 1911 and had five children, although two died when they were young, Cummings said.

Fry did the research on each of the history walk's 13 characters. She is a member of the Pueblo County Historical Society and the
Committee for the Restoration of the Pueblo Pioneers Cemetery. "I've been working on this for about 20 years," Fry said. She found her
information in old archives of The Pueblo Chieftain, including long reminiscences written by Thomas himself. Fry said there's a wealth of
information about the town's rich and powerful in the old newspaper articles. "Some of these early pioneers, every time they crossed the
street it was reported in the paper," she said.

                                                 Ghosts of Pueblo at Roselawn Cemetery-

                                            Contact Susan Adamich: susanadamich@aol.com


Cemetery tours will introduce Puebloans to settlers, founders

Article from Sept. 2004

Pueblo's early settlers and founding citizens will be the subjects of "A Walk through History" on Saturday at Pueblo Pioneer Cemetery.

The tours, scheduled for 10:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 2:30 p.m., will be presented by Pueblo Pioneer Cemetery Association in
conjunction with Pueblo Parks and Recreation Department and El Pueblo Living History Association.

Historians in costume will greet visitors and lead them on tours of Pueblo's oldest
cemetery where they will meet characters from the past and learn about the city's
history. Visitors also can meet Civil War re-enactors at their camp in the GAR (Grand Army of the Republic) section of the cemetery.

Tours are free to the public and will start at 20th and Montezuma streets or at 22nd and Blake streets.

Among the early Puebloans who will be portrayed are pioneer wife Angeline Hildreth, rancher and town builder William Carlile, railroad
engineer "Yankee" Gordon, black Civil War soldier George Wilson, South Pueblo marshal and businessman Pat Desmond and madam
Ester Baldwin.

For more information, call 719- 561-1072

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